Saturday, January 31, 2009

Welsh health chief warning about coming cold snap - WalesOnline
The NHS bore the brunt of the cold snap at the start of year as hundreds of people were treated for broken bones and sprains following falls in icy conditions.

Dr Jewell said: “For many people, particularly older people, the cold weather can have severe impact on their health and quality of life.

“Cold temperatures lead to stress on the vascular system. After a fall in temperature, for example, heart attacks increase after two days and strokes after five days.

“Deaths due to respiratory disease increase 12 days after a fall in temperature.”

Provisional figures for 2007-08 reveal there was an increase in the number of excess winter deaths in Wales. There were around 1,500 excess winter deaths during winter 2007-08, 7% more than in the previous winter. Over 80% of these deaths involved people aged 75 or older.

The Met Office said that this winter had, so far, been the coldest for more than a decade.
Bid to curb emissions under fire - Albany NY
Indeck's lawsuit claims the state illegally joined RGGI without approval from the state Legislature.

"We support the intent of the RGGI program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate the effects of global warming," said Indeck president Gerald F. DeNotto. "We simply believe the program is flawed."
And the Shameless Hucksters Shall Lead Them: Emeril and His “Green” Knives « Media and Mayhem
This morning on the Martha Stewart show, which was playing on a TV at my gym, I saw Chef Emeril Lagasse selling what he described as a set of “green knives.” I perked up to listen: What would an environmentally-sound knife look like, assuming he wasn’t simply suggesting it was sharp enough to injure a polluter?

The answer? Emeril claimed the knives are “green” because no trees had to die to make them.

Translation: The handles are plastic.

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