Thursday, February 05, 2009

Another disappointing year for global warming hopefuls - Kevin O'Brien -
Al Gore can shove . . .

Can shovel my driveway. Yes, that's what I meant to say.

After enduring the second-snowiest January since records have been kept in Cleveland, and after stepping out my front the door Wednesday morning into 8 brand-sparkling-new inches, I have had enough.
Hence, Americans' choice last year was to put a Democratic global-warming subscriber or a Republican global-warming subscriber in the White House. (They picked the guy who said he wanted to kill America's $50-billion-a-year coal industry, sternly admonished Americans to stop being piggish and turn down their thermostats, and now keeps his White House at 72 degrees.)

Hence, in Cleveland, where most of the remaining smokestacks are purely decorative reminders of a day when there was a lot more carbon in the air because the wages of soot were so good, we're poised to become windmill worshippers.
Obama-Pelosi Bill Makes For Stimulating Reality TV - HUMAN EVENTS
It’s not just big government that gets bailed out by this bill. Just when news that the planet is cooling threatens the global warming crowd, this bill pours still-being-counted billions into programs to benefit the climate change profiteers. For them, this is an “Eleventh Hour” rescue.
Global cooling, more like
All the three main political parties tumble over themselves to pander to the ‘greens’ over this fictitious claim of anthropogenic global warming.

I shall be going to The Wave at Maryport to the Park Head windfarm inquiry to lend my support to the objectors to the proposal.

Isn’t it ironic that this gigantically expensive (to us the taxpayer) wind turbine policy is being pursued under the banner of AGW when all one can see out of the window is snow, snow and more snow!


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