Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Does NASA support activism? | The Climate Scam
“The Capitol Climate Action comes not a moment too soon. For more than thirty years, scientists, environmentalists and people from all walks of life have urged our leaders to take action to stop global warming; and that action has yet to come,” said James Hansen. “The world is waiting for the Obama administration and Congress to lead the way forward on this defining issue of our time. They need to start by getting coal out of Congress.”

The question is, what does NASA say about James Hansen’s deep engagement in climate action?
Prometheus » Blog Archive » Can Someone Point to the Science?
Can someone point me to a study suggesting that there will be no more agriculture or cities in California by 2100? What does the IPCC say? What is the consensus view?
Tampa Bay: The E Street Band were on tape at Super Bowl |
Neuberger sees the practice as a necessary evil, however: "There were too many variables keeping the instruments in tune while playing outside in cold weather," he says. "You can't control the environment, so the smart decision is to record the performance and play along with it.
National "Teach-in": For our children, a new 44-min propaganda video now available here
President Obama faces a critical window for action in the first 100 days of the new administration. If he acts boldly, like Roosevelt and Johnson, then Obama can immediately set the planet on the path to a stable climate.

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