Monday, February 09, 2009

Great video: So, we're not all going to drown, or be killed by hurricanes?
This is the single best, and clearest, explanation of the Rationalist Position on wlobal warming I've Ever Seen
Key line: "So, why don't we ever talk about the suns contribution to global warming? ...Well, because we can't regulate it, tax it, or make it feel guilty for what it's doing".

Got it in one there friend.

There's no profit, political gain, or power to be grabbed from acknowledging the real causes, and real effects of whatever global warming there actually is. So, the interested parties simply ignore all that, shout down anyone who disagrees with them, and go about seizing as much power as they can, in a disorderly fashion.
Another hazard of wind power [Combs Spouts Off]
For those who view virtually all human activity with alarm and worry incessantly about the "fate of the earth," here's something else to fret about, courtesy of my CalTech-grad math-and-science whiz friend.

Tongue planted firmly in cheek, David noted that the prevailing winds over the vast majority of the earth's surface are from west to east. Therefore, if we build a sufficiently large number of wind turbines, they will slow the earth's rotation and lengthen our days.

Although he can do calculations in his head that would take me hours on the computer, David did not offer an estimate as to what would be a sufficiently large number.

It's also not clear to me what impact, if any, slowing the earth's rotational period would have on global climate.

But surely, wind energy advocates enamored of the precautionary principle are obligated to prove that their plans won't change the earth's rotational period or affect the climate.
Tourism of doom boom | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Consider it a tax on stupidity...

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