Saturday, February 07, 2009 Gimme That Old Green Religion
I have no problem with programs that teach kids they shouldn't litter and they should be responsible citizens when it comes to the environment. However, when you start telling kids that if they live a certain approved way they can save the earth or failure to do so will kill the polar bears, you've crossed the line from responsible ecology to green religion. Science simply does not back up the wild claims these programs seek to teach our kids. It is becoming a religion for those who have no other god.
Avoid strong secondary carbon markets
In solving the climate crisis we need to avoid creating the type of large secondary emissions trading market Kyoto did. Large secondary emission markets constitute a whole new sector with strong incentives that conflict with a really large drop in emissions. Maybe carbon traders are so noble and dedicated to saving the planet that financial self-interest won’t influence them. But, if your view of human nature is that incentives matter, then a strong secondary market creates a group of people with the wrong ones. If incentives matter, then a secondary carbon market runs a real risk of becoming the new sub-prime.

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