Saturday, February 07, 2009

New Zealand: Your Anglican church donations at work
Church Media Officer Lloyd Ashton says New Zealand Anglicans can set an example for the rest of the World, and agrees there is a need for moral leadership on the issue. Mr. Ashton also says Anglicans are already making headway. He says the Church has a social justice commissioner who is responsible for encouraging and coordinating activities related to climate issues.
Lawrence Solomon: Mann’s conclusions not to be believed - FP Comment
Mann-made science does not support the hypothesis that global warming is man-made
A good scientist, like a good journalist, checks his facts, if for no other reason than to spare himself embarrassment and to immunize himself from charges that he’s casual with the truth, lazy or just plain dishonest. Michael Mann has not checked his facts.

Mann’s article has two main thrusts. First, he attempts to discredit me and others who have criticized his work. Then, he attempts to defend his reputation by claims that distinguished authorities, especially the National Academy of Sciences, have endorsed his hockey stick graph. His graph is an icon in the global warming debate: It convinced the press and the public that 1998 was the hottest year of the hottest decade of the hottest century of the last 1,000 years, creating the belief that Earth was changing dangerously for the worse.Let me deal in chronological order with Mann’s attempts to discredit those he perceives to be his critics.

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