Thursday, February 12, 2009

RoguePundit: Cap and Betrayed
Higher energy prices are a drag on the economy, and renewable energies are more expensive than their fossil fuel counterparts. Someday that latter point may change. But in the meanwhile, setting and achieving renewable energy goals slows our economy...which is already having enough trouble.
It's obviously be preferable that whatever the system, it would be implemented nationwide here in the U.S. That way, the states which don't take actions aren't given a cost advantage by those that do. So why are some governors--like those of Oregon and California--continuing to push towards a regional cap & trade system? Aren't our economies and state budgets in sad enough shape already?

Unfortunately, they've fallen for the exaggerations of catastrophic climate change. And, they really don't have much else to hang their legacies upon besides green accomplishments.
Do we all really have a "right" to experience non-extreme weather every day?: UN Report: "Extreme Weather Violates Human Rights" at View from Geneva
Report of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the relationship between climate change and human rights

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