Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lorne Gunter: Not the world's biggest CBC fan
The CBC will never be able to exorcize its left-wing missionary zeal -- for global warming, for Islam, for big government, Barack Obama, multiculturalism, public health care, human rights commissions and so on. And it could never survive on private donations or ad revenues. So the only thing to do with Mother Corp is to pull down its office buildings and stations and pour salt in their foundations.

And I mean radio as well as television.
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Is science journalism dead? Can blogging replace it?
As a professional blogger, I certainly don’t have the reach of the traditional media with my 10,000 visits and 50,000 page views each day — but I and many others provide what I believe is a far superior picture of the harsh reality of climate science than the soft-pedaling scribes of the MSM.
New Study: Green Jobs Myths « Green Hell Blog
President Obama touts “green jobs” and has hired a “green jobs czar.”

But check out the conclusions from this new study published by the University of Illinois College of Law and Economics about “green jobs”...
Twitter / [Alarmist] ArcticSurvey
Temperatures plummet back down to -38 and lower, due to the clear skies above. The team are continuing to make good progress.
7 Things to do During Earth Hour - Spoonfed London
If you’re in an area with lots of fringe theatre productions, look for a production with few lights, few props and small cast for a smaller carbon output. You’ll be supporting local theatre and saving the world.
Government of Canada to [Sort of] Participate in Earth Hour
Landmarks such as Parliament Hill, including the Peace Tower's clock face, will have little or no lighting between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on March 28. Canada wordmarks and decorative lighting on government buildings across the nation will also be switched off. For health and safety reasons, some lighting is required to remain on at all times. As this is the busiest time of the year for many federal employees (for instance those working on income tax returns or fiscal year-end files) lighting will be on in some office buildings.

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Funny how Romm has developed a dislike for journalism all of a sudden. And it is all of a sudden as in just this winter.

Joe use to love him some newspapers. He even has a Freakie Friedman quote on his masthead.
Then it started to snow. A lot.
So much snow even the New York freakin Times had to report it.
That's unforgiveable breach of party message according to Joe.