Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nearly May in the Arctic: Catlin warmists still not very warm
Weather ....-22°C

Pen reported this morning that winds are picking up, and the Ops team can see that over the next 36 hours the team will experience blizzard conditions with winds of up to 40 knots and a strong possibility of heavy snowfall.

During such extreme conditions, the only course of action is to sit it out and try and get some rest whilst the storm howls outside and batters the thin walls of the tent. [Via Climate Realists]
The Washington Independent » ‘Sneaky,’ ‘Crafty’ Republicans Plot Guerrilla War Over Climate Bill
Barton continued: “There are going to be more members who want more allowances than they have allowances to give. So then you make some member mad because he doesn’t get what he thinks is his fair share. And then the crafty Republicans will come in and say we’ve got a deal for you, if you support us, there’s no need for allowances.”

His hope, in other words, is to wreak such havoc upon the negotiations that moderate House Democrats decide to support the nonexistent Republican alternative legislation, which, if written, would almost certainly involve no carbon caps, renewable electricity standards or other measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, since Barton does not consider global warming a problem.
Arizona: State GOP moves to kill climate pact
The bill’s sponsor is Andy Biggs, chairman of the House Transportation Committee and vice-chairman of the Appropriations Committee.

This is what he told Fischer about global warming:
And Biggs said there is no consensus that the earth is warming, certainly not from human-caused pollution.

“It is an open debate,” he said. “It has nothing to do with the Western Climate Initiative other than to cede and surrender to specious pseudo-scientific claims.”
You know, I don’t have a problem with those who have reservations about the ultimate impact of man-made carbon emissions on the climate. I think there’s certainly some room for debate. But even many of the most vehement skeptics of man-made climate change admit that the earth is in a warming trend.

I also have a problem with lawmakers like Biggs, who resort to demagoguery and insults when discussing climate change science.

Does all the science contained in the voluminous reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change simply amount to “specious pseudo-scientific claims“? Biggs makes climate science sound like some kind of traveling circus, with hucksters selling hair tonic out of the back of a covered wagon.

That’s idiotic. There’s hard science involved here, and conclusive evidence that the world is warming. Look no further than the Arctic and Antarctic, where warming has accelerated dramatically.

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