Monday, May 18, 2009

Global Warming or Global Cooling ? | Dr. Goldstein's Blog
1. During the late Ordovician Period CO2 levels were 10 times higher than today's CO2 level, but Earth went into a long Ice Age period.

2. Current CO2 levels are at the low end of the scale when viewed in a historical perspective. CO2 is presently only 0.038% of the atmosphere. Natural water vapor causes 95% of the greenhouse effect.

3. Claims that "today's CO2 level is the highest ever" are flat out lies.
60 Minutes of fake scares | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Liz Hayes of 60 Minutes flies to the Maldives to film yet another scare story about global warming...
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Greenpeace’s indefensible attack on the House clean energy bill perpetuates myths about the European carbon trading system
On the other hand, if Waxman-Markey fails to get out of committee or fails to make it through both houses of Congress over the next 12 months or so, don’t expect any US climate action for a long time — the political mavens will not take failure as a sign to pursue a stronger bill. And failure would mean the international negotiation process would be dead. Equally important, why would China agree to a target if we don’t?
NYT « the Air Vent
There we are, even though we aren’t allowed to build any [coal] plants at all and most of China’s plants were built in the last two decades the US plant’s are still more efficient!! Why the hell is the title China outpaces US in efficient coal fired plants!!

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