Monday, May 18, 2009

More insanity and climate fraud promotion from Paul Krugman - The Perfect, the Good, the Planet -
Not to put too fine a point on it, think about how hard it would be to verify whether China was really implementing a promise to tax carbon emissions, as opposed to letting factory owners with the right connections off the hook. By contrast, it would be fairly easy to determine whether China was holding its total emissions below agreed-upon levels.
After all the years of denial, after all the years of inaction, we finally have a chance to do something major about climate change. Waxman-Markey is imperfect, it’s disappointing in some respects, but it’s action we can take now. And the planet won’t wait.
10 Reasons to Support the Waxman-Markey [Climate Fraud] Bill
[Why so little emphasis on the 'prevent your children from getting kidney stones/etc' reason?]

1 comment:

TDK said...

It beggars belief that we are expected to believe that a government (China) that can't be trusted to tax businesses without cutting secret deals wouldn't cheat with carbon permits.