Friday, May 15, 2009

Nashville - Why Do So Many Nashvillians Hate Al Gore?
So I'm having lunch yesterday with a friend--intelligent, educated, 30-ish--and I bring up the subject of Al Gore and his Nashville-based Climate Project, which held its North American Summit this week at the Hutton Hotel on West End.

"I hate Al Gore," she blurted out, before I'd had a chance to finish the sentence. She's particularly irked because she feels he's just an opportunist trying to cash in on the global warming panic. Oh, and he was rude to her and other workers at a restaurant, allegedly tipping the server 10 percent after running her ragged.
Cold weather in Manitoba delays mosquito season
There is a bright side to all the cold, snowy weather drifting through Manitoba: Mosquitoes are taking a hit.

The City of Winnipeg's insect control branch said on Friday that the cool temperatures have resulted in slower larval development. That has allowed helicopter and ground crews to get a jump on them by applying larvicide to a significant number of standing water sites.
Insanity: EPA suggests that you can use your ceiling fan to improve Earth's climate
“These are good, common-sense tips that can help everybody contribute to the effort to do something about climate change,” said Cheryl Newton, director of the EPA Region 5 Air and Radiation Division.

Here are some tips to save energy and help protect the environment at home and at work:
• Set your programmable thermostat to save while you are away or asleep. Using it properly can save up to $180 per year in energy costs.
• Run ceiling fans in a clockwise direction to create a wind-chill effect that will make you “feel” cooler. Remember that ceiling fans cool people, not rooms -- so turn them off when you leave the room.

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