Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Professor Steven Chu: paint the world white to fight global warming - Times Online
The Nobel prize-winning physicist appointed by President Obama as US Energy Secretary wants to change the colour of roofs, roads and pavements so they reflect more of the Sun’s light and heat to combat global warming, he said today.

Professor Steven Chu, speaking at the opening of the St James’s Palace Nobel Laureate Symposium, for which The Times is media partner, said this simple and “completely benign” approach to “geo-engineering” could have a vast impact at low cost.
“I think with flat-type roofs you can’t even see, yes, I think you should regulate quite frankly,” Professor Chu said. “I would be in favour of that.”

Asked whether governments should be promoting white paint as a solution to climate change, he said: “Yes, absolutely… White roofs everywhere, yes.”


Anonymous said...

they also want to ban black cars, i read in another article some time ago. They want to introduce a minimum light reflection requirement, so brown will be the darkest color allowed.

gofer said...

They have gone completely out of their pea-size brains. This insanity gets more jaw-dropping day by day. What happens when it starts to get really cold? Are they going to have a massive project to paint everything black? Absolutely NUTS!

TDK said...

The Times had a whole pull out section (12 or 16 pages full of this stuff) today.

The centre section contained a double page spread of climate disasters unfolding, such as:

* The vast quantities of ice that melt every day
* the vast numbers of excess deaths caused by heatwaves (in 2003) (no mention of cold related deaths nor summer 2008)
* and so on ad infinitum