Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cap-And-Trade: Why Lie If You Don’t Have To? « NEOAVATARA
The American people want honest answers. The honest truth is that scientists do NOT absolutely know what the repercussions of global warming are; the science is not that clear. That is fine. The public can understand that. They can’t understand people lying to them. This is especially discouraging from Obama, who had promised science above politics. In this case, he has not held to that statement.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Science back in its rightful place?
Pielke doesn’t necessarily refute global-warming concerns, but he notes that the administration is hardly taking a scientific approach to a scientific issue. Instead of focusing on peer-reviewed research, which has become increasingly inconclusive, the White House and Holdren have begun seizing on claims that are not scientifically derived, have not been tested, are out of date, and in many cases are simply false. That doesn’t give any credibility to the science of climate analysis, and instead gives critics the kind of ammunition that makes it look like phrenology.

Is that “restor[ing] science to its rightful place” in policymaking? Or is it the kind of political hackery that Obama promised to end?
Like, Totally Political, Dude!: Ultimate Fighting: solar cooling versus global warming
Nothing's funnier to me than an atheist follower of the Green Movement or Climate Change activism. "I think God is a cruel lie, but unproven theories and reasons to hate industry and people having jobs, and civil expansion, are AWESOME!" That said...
Twitter / Independent Tom
Why isn't ACLU suing to get Church of Global Warming cult out of government?

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