Friday, June 26, 2009

Climate-change bill not so popular among North Texas representatives | Business |
Several members of the North Texas congressional delegation plan a fierce fight against the climate change bill scheduled to go before the House today, saying it will hurt the economy.

Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, has made it a mission to kill the bill, which for the first time would limit the pollution blamed for global warming.

The bill "is a costly and harmful policy that fails to adequately protect American consumers and could cripple our nation’s economy," Burgess said. It "will increase overhead costs, which would be devastating for business. It will increase energy prices for every single American household by hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars.

"It is an energy tax that will be imposed on every single American consumer."
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Congress Should Stop Al Gore’s Job Killing, Economy Ruining, Global Warming Tax
The House of Representatives needs to come to its senses – don’t pass a massive job-killer in the middle of the worst economic crisis in decades. If it doesn’t, the Senate must stop this train before it derails our economy.
American Thinker: When did the lowbrows take over the culture?
Or look at the global warming farce, still hotly pursued by the political classes in Europe and this country, although the Australians seem to be coming to their senses. China now has more millionaires than the UK, because they use all their resources, like coal, to fire their industrial plants. They will never sacrifice a single luxury car to the cap and trade fraud. Neither will India. China and India have been under the thumb of egomaniacal socialists (in the case of India) and communists (in the case of China). They've been there, done that, seen the suffering.
...Academics can be incredibly ignorant and dumb outside of their small areas of expertise. Professors and media scribblers generally lack human smarts. They are sure suckers for all the con artists of the day.

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