Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Opposition to the Obama Energy Tax - Edward John Craig - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Over on the Corner, Kathryn has some interesting findings from a new study from the National Center for Public Policy Research showing that most African Americans are opposed to the Obama Energy Tax because of its the potential negative economic impact.

Good to see that a key Democratic constituency is starting to see that Obama's pledge not to raise taxes for 95 percent of Americans ("not a single dime") would be abrogated by Waxman-Markey (as it already has been for smokers). Because, as it turns out, somewhat more than 5 percent of Americans consume energy.
Weather Underground Windfall - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
My, my . . . even HuffPo notices some of the slime involved in the Dems' machinations to buy political cover for their biggest tax increase in history — Waxman-Markey's cap-and-trade energy-rationing legislation, which is set to hit the House floor on Friday and will likely be up for vote on Saturday. (What's it feel like to live in such historic times?)
Now, this is surely not why former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers — son of former Commonwealth Edison (now Exelon) CEO Thomas Ayers and beneficiary of Exelon holdings, I'm willing to bet) — kicked off Obama's political career in his living room. But it sure makes the struggle worthwhile.
Warning Signs: Cap-and-Trade Bill: Villainy on a Grand Scale
Supported by outright lies by the President about “clean” or “renewable energy”, and based on the greatest hoax of the modern era, “global warming”, on Friday Congress is reportedly going to vote on the 1,200-page Waxman-Markey “Cap and Trade” bill (H.R. 2454).

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