Friday, June 19, 2009

Morning Bell: Stop Enviro-Crony Capitalism…Stop the EPA » The Foundry
...But don’t worry, says Obama EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. She told the New York Times earlier this year, “We are poised to be specific on what we regulate and on what schedule.” In other words, just as the Obama Treasury Department played political favorites when bailing out General Motors and Chrysler, rewarding big labor allies while punishing average investors and secured creditors, the Obama EPA is poised to play the exact same games while enforcing the Clean Air Act.

There is something you can do to help stop this regulatory enviro-crony capitalism nightmare. Any regulatory framework created by the Obama EPA can be fought in court. And one factor that courts must consider when a regulation is challenged is how the government addressed citizen comments on the proposed regulation.
Lack of global warming may cause grizzly attacks? - Ontario, CA
Officials in Banff are warning anyone headed to the mountains to use caution after a female grizzly with two cubs acted aggressively toward a kayaker recently.

"It was a bluff charge," said Banff National Park spokeswoman Michelle Macullo.

Unseasonably cold temperatures earlier this year have made food scarce for the bears, pushing them closer to towns to find more.

"We've had a really cool, late spring so what that means is when Mother Nature is uncooperative like that, the snow sticks around and there's nothing for them to eat up high," said Macullo.

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