Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Obama has sealed his fate | jacksonsun.com |
...Here's the best part: Since carbon dioxide is plant food, the increased amount we're adding to the atmosphere is actually benefiting the planet - lusher rain forests and increased crop yields around the world, for example.

Eventually, even the global warming groupies dominating the mainstream media will have to acknowledge this simple to understand, easy to prove, very common-sense scientific information.

When that time comes, right or wrong, Al Gore and his ilk are going to look like scam artists, and President Obama and the Democrats are going to look like simpletons for having been so easily duped.
AccuWeather.com - Weather News Headlines - Weather News
The number of reported tornadoes so far this year is 685, just over half of the average annual amount, which is 1,297.

According to Long Range Expert Joe Bastardi, areas from the northern Plains into the Northeast will have a "year without a summer."
Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson: Opening Pandora’s Box: Classifying CO2 as a "Pollutant"
The impact of CO2 regulations will hurt us far more than CO2 itself ever could. We need a miracle, folks. Let’s hope that someone nails shut the lid on this Pandora’s Box before it swings wide open and infests us with a multitude of plagues.  [Via Climate Depot]

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