Saturday, June 20, 2009

W. S. Jevons and UK Coal Revisited (worth re-reading weekend) — MasterResource
In an earlier post at MasterResource, W. S. Jevons (1865) on Coal (Memo to Obama, Part III), the hall-of-fame-economist explained how coal was a godsend to Britain, powering the industrial revolution in a way that renewable energies could not.
Alaska researchers contribute to national climate [scam promotion]
"A key point from the study is that from everything we're seeing in terms of impacts, it's clear that we are committed to more warming," said McGuire, a landscape ecology professor and researcher with the UAF Institute of Arctic Biology.
Investor's Business Daily -- Why The Rush?
Leadership: A pattern is emerging for this new presidency. The more radical and far-reaching the plan, the less time the public gets to debate it. Is this due to ambition or fear of push-back?
Obama may act supremely confident, but his haste here suggests insecurity. He acts as if he believes his political capital is dwindling so fast that it will be gone by the end of this year.

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