Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Big Dig State Takes The Lead on Wind Power – 24/7 Wall Street
Offshore wind projects that generate no emissions and can generate energy for millions of homes and businesses along the East Coast. They make good old-fashioned horse sense.
Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over - CO2 Science Weekly Journal Reviews
Below you'll find a list of the latest Journal Reviews done by the folks at CO2 Science. Check 'em out as they are very informative, fact-based, and above all, interesting.
The Natural Truth | Global Warming: Science For People Who Can't Do Math
Global warming kooks promise 170,000 kilowatt hours, they hope for 80,000 but they actually get 38,000. All for a mere $750,000 in taxes.

If that math makes sense to you...congratulations! You're Al Gore.

UPDATE! A reader points out below that I left out the costs of maintaining the windmill--not a small expense. The scary part is that the O-bots want to replicate this energy-policy brilliance across the US.
Cold cash cures global warming. Cool. | I Hate the Media - Fun with Liberal Media Bias
These charts clearly demonstrate an inverse relationship between money spent on global warming research and temperature. The more we spend, the lower temperatures go.

Liberals, of course, will undoubtedly consider this validation that their philosophy works.
Twitter / Ameri Conomist
This new RPE paper actually finds a global warming justification for a commodity reserve currency. http://bit.ly/zIOxI

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