Monday, July 13, 2009

CU lands $42 million NASA contract | Boulder County Business Report
BOULDER - NASA has awarded the University of Colorado at Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics a $42 million contract for the development of a sophisticated instrument that will orbit Earth to monitor changes in the sun's radiation and help evaluate climate change.
The sensor will continue key climate measurements of solar radiation that contribute to determining the Earth's energy balance and understanding how Earth's climate responds to solar variability, Pilewskie said. "We are very excited about this award," said Pilewskie, who said the research is crucial for understanding Earth's present climate and for predicting future climate change.

"In order to quantify the anthropogenic influences on climate, we need accurate measurements of the natural climate-forcing agents, the most important of which is the sun," Pilewskie said. "This project will allow the University of Colorado to continue its three-decade long monitoring of solar radiation from space."
Webchat: Bob Lutz on Reaching Customers in His New Role | GM FastLane
[Q] Any plans to either filter your comments or perhaps even support the green movement, since you've made such harsh comments against the concept of Global Warming, which upset a lot of people?

Bob Lutz: I obviously won't go out of my way to upset people but since i have a tendency to speak my mind i will occasionally unwittingly do so. I am totally dedicated to reducing petroleum usage, which is one of the reasons i championed the Chevy Volt. My personal opinion on global warming has nothing to do with my professional performance. By the way we just had the coldest June on record in the East, and are in the middle of the coldest July.
Climate Change and The Politics of Fear - AIP Blog - American Issues Project
It is coming. They'll say anything to get this climate change legislation passed. It's the politics of fear from the same people who wanted the country to turn a blind eye to the very real threat of terrorism... only now they want people to focus on outlandish predictions of environmental calamities that they cannot prove and have no factual basis. Considering their desperation, the dire predictions will have no boundaries:

"Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!"

"Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes..."

"The dead rising from the grave!"

"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"
Global Warming and Your State Factsheets - National Wildlife Federation
How is global warming affecting wildlife in your state? What are some clean energy solutions that would help your state's economy and reduce global warming pollution? Click on the links below to find out.

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