Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Ronald Bailey > Congressional Cap-and-Trade Energy Mandates -- All Cost, No Benefits - Reason Magazine
Georgetown University public policy professor Ted Gayer has a nice article over at The American on how Congress' vast number of energy mandates makes its carbon rationing proposals (uh, I mean, cap-and-trade scheme) much more expensive for American consumers than it has to be. The kicker is that the mandates don't even provide any additional reductions in carbon emissions - they just increase the price people pay for energy. It's all cost and no benefits.
McCaskill: House Climate Bill Won't Pass The Senate
The climate change bill that squeaked through the House just before recess doesn't have a chance in the Senate, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said Tuesday.
Is Christie a cap-and-traitor? - Paul Mulshine
This pandering is so pathetic that even the Corzine crew is picking up on it. They released the ad below. which nicely slices and dices Christie for his flip-flop on environmental issues between the primary election and now.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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