Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weather Action: Met Office Winter ‘Forecast’ 2009-10 ‘Reckless Misleading Nonsense’
Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist of WeatherAction said today, 23 July:

“The Met Office long range forecast attempts at seasonal and world developments totally failed• to predict ANY of the 5 notable weather developments since 2007. They predicted the opposite to what occurred for the wet summers 2007, 2008, and 2009, the icy snowy winter 08/9, and world temperature decline over recent years. On the other hand our WeatherAction Solar Weather Technique predicted all these major situations correctly and did it ahead of the Met Office prognoses.

Their score of zero out of five is lamentable. It could not be worse. They should stop issuing these reckless ‘forecasts’ which only serve to mislead the public, commerce and emergency authorities and cause unnecessary misery danger and possible death.
Hot, Dry, Thriving? A Farm Plan for California - Dot Earth Blog -
A report on the future of California agriculture, released by the Pacific Institute on Wednesday, offers the following vision: “It is now the year 2050 and California agriculture is thriving, leading the world in sustainable production, the efficient use of water … and the protection of ecological services.”
GISS Step 1: Does it influence the trend? « Watts Up With That?
Obviously, the bias could go either way: it could warm or cool the older records. With a large enough sample size, one would expect the average bias to be near zero. So what does the average bias really look like? Using the GISStemp logs from June, 2009, the average bias on a yearly basis across 7006 scribal records was:

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