Sunday, August 30, 2009

What do we want? A nice Cath Kidston tent: The remarkably middle-class Climate Camp | Mail Online
I'm here to help out and learn things,' says Joy. 'I'm not quite vegan yet, but I really like soya milk.'

And what action does she hope to achieve? 'Um, er, erm... I guess, erm, sorry. I can't really think of anything off the top of my head.' Oh dear.
Californians protest tax hikes, job-killer regulations
A staffer with the Associated Press’ Sacramento office said the AP’s reporters were too busy to cover the event.
An estimated 10,000 attended the rally, according to a news release from Sen. George Runner, R-Lancaster.
Both sides in energy debate watching healthcare battle --
Supporters of the climate bill are particularly intent on avoiding what some see as the Obama administration's biggest stumble in the healthcare debate: its failure to convince voters, particularly middle-class workers, that the legislation would tangibly improve their lives.

"The challenge is convincing people that they'll get some real return for reform," Bennett said. "In energy, it's clear to us from focus groups that the only way to do that is to talk about economic growth."
Reading the North: Alaskana |
Thoreau's Legacy: American Stories about Global Warming
By the Union of Concerned Scientists (Union of Concerned Scientists and Penguin Classics, $24.95)
Excerpt: "Everyone should lick a glacier. It tastes a little bit like dinosaurs and looks a little bit like God, whatever that is. Take a good, long lick. You are just one person meaning no harm."

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