Friday, August 28, 2009

YouTube - James Hansen: "We've already proven that cap and trade doesn't work"
From his New York City office, he spoke with Climate Crisis Coalition Coordinator Tom Stokes, on May 10, 2008, about the science of climate change, the urgency of enacting effective climate legislation and why he is speaking out about it.
Energy bill ‘fatally flawed,’ ex-Murphy chief says | Arkansas News
While the Obama administration talks about the “green jobs” that will be produced by the bill, it does not talk about jobs lost, Deming said.

He estimated as many as 5,000 jobs could be lost in South Arkansas, including at Murphy Oil and at Lion Oil refinery in El Dorado. Green jobs would probably pay less and offer fewer benefits than the jobs lost, he said.
Leave population out of climate talks, Indian minister says
Asked what he might say to the UK climate change minister, Ed Miliband, who arrives next week, Ramesh said pointed out that the only leader to come up with a "concrete offer (of money)" was Gordon Brown. "He said earlier this year that there should be a fund of $100bn (£60bn). We don't know if that is every year or what. But it is an offer on the table."
Whose money is being offered here?

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