Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cheers and Jeers for the Post - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Still, one thing stands out in Rogers's noteworthy achievement, and that is the posture of apologetic dhimmitude that one must accept to participate in establishment alarmist society. Each utterance or paper exposing the deep fallacy of the warming theory — demoted to a hypothesis by observations, I would suggest — carries the ritual "now, I'm no skeptic but" before exposing how the writer or speaker cannot possibly hold the expressed beliefs without being a skeptic.
[Diabolical CO2 again]: Could Colorado’s Aspen Trees Die Off by 2090?
As Reuters reports, the American West, including Colorado, is losing its autumn colors in a die-off that’s perplexing some researchers, although it’s believed to be linked to climate change and the accompanying drought.

The number of acres affected by “SAD,” or “sudden aspen decline,” in Colorado quadrupled from 2006 to 2008, to more than 850 square miles—a situation that also extends into Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho.

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