Thursday, September 17, 2009

If Obama can't defeat the Republican headbangers, our planet is doomed | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian
One European diplomat closely involved with the talks despairs at the "Republican headbangers who cannot resist a chance to damage Obama, believe global warming is based on junk science and regard action on climate change as ungodly because it will delay the second coming".
Vital signs weak for climate bill - Lisa Lerer -
The climate bill is not dead, but its pulse is rapidly weakening on Capitol Hill.
Harry Reid says he doesn’t have time for it. The White House has been largely silent on the legislation. And one Treasury analysis — disputed by critics — that says a cap-and-trade system could cost $200 billion landed with a thud on Wednesday.
“It’s becoming apparent that the administration knew all along how much their cap-and-trade program would cost, yet they continue to claim it will cost no more than a postage stamp a day,” said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), the ranking member on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

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