Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jay Leno’s Green Car Challenge - Wheels Blog -
In an interview with, Mr. Leno said he wanted to do the “Green Car Challenge” as often as two or three times a week.
Thousands rally at Milwaukee tea party - JSOnline
Hundreds of those who showed up in Milwaukee brought along handmade signs with slogans that showed opposition to Obama's policies across a range of issues, from taxes to health care to global warming.

March '09: YouTube - EU President-"Global Warming" Being Used As A Vehicle To Suppress Human Freedom
Klaus blames "alarmists" for misusing climate change information to try to expand the role of government.
Kenya's rainmakers called to combat climate change - Mail & Guardian Online: The smart news source
Long vilified as sorcerers, Kenya's Nganyi rainmakers -- with meteorological equipment consisting of trees, pots and herbs -- are being enlisted to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Funded by Britain and Canada, the programme brings the Kenya Meteorology Department (KMD) and traditional rainmakers together to produce more accurate forecasts and disseminate them to a wider number.
When the elders stand and speak in their local dialect of the magic of their art, which involves the sacrifice of animals and libations in secret forest shrines, a few smirks and giggles are repressed.

But Ouma, a PhD meteorologist, doesn't dismiss the Nganyi's art altogether and argues that what may seem to some like primitive hocus-pocus contains a wealth of untapped scientific information.

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