Monday, October 12, 2009

Florida orange crop may drop 16 percent, USDA says
Florida's orange crop will be 16 percent smaller than last season, as a cold spell and drought earlier this year reduced the number of fruit on trees, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Friday.
``Weather conditions in Florida's citrus growing regions during early 2009 were characterized by a series of cold fronts, freezing temperatures and below-average rainfall,'' the USDA said in the report. ``The drought conditions continued into May, resulting in a 19 percent decrease in average fruit per tree from last season.''
I refuse to freeze with the green Nimbys | Hugo Rifkind - Times Online
The more I try to be green, the more the showy extremism of the green lobby infuriates me. Not because it’s pious and hypocritical — although it is — but because it’s so wantonly ineffectual. Face it, Dreadhead, it’s time for some pragmatism. People in the developing world aren’t going to spend their lives in dank holes, eating weevils, however much you might like them to. Failure to accept that will only hold us back. You might even call it criminal.
LET THERE BE LIGHTS | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
With less than a month to go before the ban kicks in, please assist your fellow Australians by listing in comments any stores in your area that have stocks of useful globes. Or otherwise buy all the globes and set up your own global sales network; either way is good...
Won’t look, won’t think | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Reader Michael whips up the perfect image to illustrate the real climate denialism in the media:

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