Thursday, October 22, 2009

FT/Harris Poll: Nearly 3 of 4 US adults are deniers

Europeans Tend to Care More Strongly about Climate Change Than Americans
[Only 27% of the sampled Americans saw climate change as a "large threat"; only 21% of Americans say they are willing to pay more taxes to cut greenhouse gas emissions; only 20% of Americans supported additional aid to developing countries to help them deal with climate change; only 10% of Americans avoided patronising a business because of their environmental activities (or lack thereof)]
These are some of the findings of a Financial Times/Harris Poll conducted online by Harris Interactive® among 6,463 adults aged less than 65 in France, Germany, Britain, Spain, Italy and the United States between September 30 and October 7, 2009.
[Poll details here. The US sample was people aged 16-64. Why was that age range chosen?]


Anonymous said...

Global warming must be making people dumber. I mean, isn't it responsible for all of our ills? It's not possible that over time people become more educated, is it?

Russell C. said...

I've already fired off the following question to Gallup, Zogby, Rassmussen and others (I'll be sending it to Harris shortly) - anybody else care to join me in this emailing campaign?

"I'd like to see a poll determining what percentage of people are aware of peer-reviewed, published scientific reports that cast significant doubt about the IPCC's and Al Gore's contention that global warming is a human-caused problem."

Michael D Smith said...

Heck, Roald A., Why not ask to see a single, peer reviewed, published scientific report that has EVIDENCE of a link between CO2 emissions and dangerous climate change? $79,000 million, and still NO EVIDENCE!

Mike said...

The IPCC process is not truly peer reviewed either. If the reviewer points out something wrong, the few hand-picked scientists and politicos writing the report don't have to acknowledge it or change a thing.

Results: "… I have found examples of a Summary saying precisely the opposite of what the scientists said.”-- Dr. Philip Lloyd, UN IPC