Thursday, October 22, 2009

One in four households will be pushed into fuel poverty this year fear campaigners - Telegraph
One in four households in Britain will be pushed into fuel poverty this year because of rising energy prices, according to projections from the latest Government statistics.
Canada - Liberals snub NDP climate-change bill
Federal Liberals say they won't support the NDP in its effort to push a private member's climate-change bill through the House of Commons on Wednesday.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Greenpeace: Optimists, Apologists, Opposition and Principled Action
[Greenpeace report] Another problem is that this approach avoids the practical reality that it has not been possible to generate real offsets in any meaningful quantity. The academic analyses of Michael Wara and the recent arrests in Europe over massive fraud in carbon trading provide ample concrete evidence for us to relinquish belief in workability of the offsetting theory.
It is unfortunate that the federal and international discussion of offsets is usually a jargon-laden affair, with experts talking about how to guard against “leakage” and assure “additionality.” These are euphemisms for the question—how do we make sure no one cheats. The jargon has assured that the general public has little access to the discussion. If it was conducted in plain English, we’d understand that the offsetting conversation is really about how to design a loophole to allow polluters to keep polluting—to continue with business as usual. Everyone already knows—wink, wink—that the cheating will continue because there is no practical way to stop it.
We see the only hope of global climate remedy to be active and principled engagement from the Oval Office. The world is waiting.

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