Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Politicians pushing global warming » The Gisborne Herald
When will people wake up and realise that the whole global warming (read climate change) scenario is nothing more than a gigantic scam perpetrated at the highest levels of political bureaucracy for the benefit of a few and has absolutely no intended benefit for the planet, as there is no benefit?

Those promoting this are the only ones who will benefit, those opposed if they are successful in stopping it, get nothing. For my part any politician who supports this stupidity will not get my vote at the next election.
The Midge Warm Period « Watts Up With That?
Last of all, they report that the reconstructed temperatures of the 20th century failed to show a return to MWP levels of warmth, which failure they attributed to a breakdown of the chironomid-temperature relationship over the final century of their 1800-year history.
Daily Blog, 10/20/09: Coleman's Comments | KUSI
There is not a shadow of doubt, I conclude, that the IPCC hypothesis about radiative forcing as CO2 interacts with water vapor leading to a huge magnification of greenhouse effect from CO2 has been proven wrong. They never did have any real scientific prove of the theory, only computer models full of assumptions and a vote of the members of the group who all had a vested interest in the theory. The model projections, regardless of how they were structured, have failed to verify anyway. So there is no doubt about it, the carbon footprint, global warming mania is dead wrong.
Twelve Years of Global Warming « Climate Sanity

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