Friday, October 30, 2009

Right climate for big bucks | Herald Sun
PSST. Want a surefire way to get a grant - maybe $300,000, or even more - for your university research?

Then gather around, my dear professors, and say these magic words.

Climate change.

You scoff? You say it's too crazy to work, given that your expertise is actually in Bible studies, Aboriginal history, ceramics or sorghum?
Peter Foster: Muddled models - FP Comment
The UN will send billions to the Third World in carbon credits. Remember Oil for Food?
What do L. Ron Hubbard and al-Gore have in common? | No Compromise when you're Right!
1. They both made millions of $$ by starting their own religion.

2. They both had to sell their man-made religion by pretending it was Science.

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