SEPP - Science & Environmental Policy Project: The week that was
Nobody really wants the EPA to control CO2 as a pollutant. Suspicion is ripe, however, that the White House is using potential EPA action to blackmail Congress (and industry) into adopting some version of Cap&Trade. However, EPA action (based on an Endangerment Finding) can be stopped (and, certainly, delayed) by litigation. Legislation, on the other hand, is hard to undo – once signed into law. So the emphasis has to be to call the WH bluff and defeat C&T (aka Ration & Tax, but deceptively titled “The Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act”) in the Senate and allow no compromises.Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference: Nov 15-18, Washington, DC « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
BTW, Bangkok also brought out the split within G-8 between EU and the US. Seems the US (under Obama) wants to do away with the Kyoto Protocol. Sounds suspiciously like George W Bush, doesn’t it?
2009 BECC will bring together a diverse group of policy makers, energy experts, social scientists, managers and communicators to discuss the social and behavioral basis for, and practical implementation of, insights for reducing energy use through the adoption and application of more energy-efficient technologies, energy conservation activities, and lifestyle changes.C3: Sen. Lindsey Graham Decides To Drink 'Global Warming' Kool-Aid: Why Do Republicans Do Such Incredibly Stupid Things?
As more UN-IPCC scientists are bailing on the whole imminent global warming scenario; and, as the global warming science is imploding; and, as major mainstream media outlets are finally admitting to the global cooling phenomenon that's taken place over the last decade; and, as the American public is impressively rejecting major Federal intrusions into their lives, leave it to an amazingly, science-clueless Republican to attempt to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.Flashback: 'I hate conservatives, but I really... hate liberals'
As the [South Park] show's co-creator Matt Stone sums it up, "I hate conservatives, but I really (expletive) hate liberals.
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