Monday, October 26, 2009

Wind Turbines: How To Make Energy As Expensive As Possible « Global Warming: A Worn-Out Hoax
If you don’t count the capital investment above, the fast-start absolutely reliable backup supply, and the power transmission costs, wind power only costs about 3.3 times what electricity from coal costs.

But wind power is subsidized heavily by government, and government has a virtually endless source of money called taxes. So it really doesn’t matter how comparatively inefficient wind power is.
The Migrant Mind: Land vs Ocean temperatures
What you can see is that there is a lot of difference in the measurment of global temperature by these two methods. While the average temperature difference is 0.1 deg C, some months vary by as much as .43 deg C, or half the amount of purported warming. Clearly we are not very good at measuring the globe's temperature, yet we are going use this data to try to save the planet.
Call you help? « JoNova
With Copenhagen coming up, we are close to a crunch point. To reach a wider audience I need things like copyright free photos for example. It would help people put this in perspective and understand what we mean when we ask for empirical evidence. I’m putting together another skeptics handbook right now as well as some articles. Things are urgent. Once legislation is in place it will be very very hard to unwind.
Juliet Eilperin and the ‘Saudia Arabia of bias’ « Green Hell Blog
It’s too bad that journalistic slant isn’t a form of energy because Juliet Eilperin would make the Washington Post the “Saudi Arabia” of bias.
... also consider this: Juliet Eilperin’s husband works on climate issues for the Center for American Progress, a global warming-alarmist activist group.
Wouldn’t it be nice if every activist group owned its own Washington Post reporter?

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