Sunday, November 29, 2009

[Another Grim] Milestone: After surpassing 'global warming', 'climategate' now surges past 'Al Gore' in Google search results | GORE LIED
This is even more astonishing when it is considered that this has happened in the midst of the mainstream media mostly ignoring the Climategate story. In the free market of information that is the Internet, you can’t keep a good story down.
Climaquiddick: No Consensus - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Climaquiddick is not just a scientific scandal. It is also a media scandal.
You’ll pay - and for what? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Remember that this is just a downpayment on the true cost of this mad tax. You won’t just pay higher power prices. You will also pay more for everything that needed electricity, too - processed foods, clothes, cars, steel, concrete, train rides… You’ll need to pay more for the people who will lose their jobs because of this tax. You’ll pay more for the uneconomic “green” power we’ll be forced to use instead of cheap coal-fired power. You’ll pay for the gassy companies demanding compensation for going broke. You’ll pay for the billions Kevin Rudd is spending overseas to bribe pooer countries to cut gases, too.
Chip Bok’s Bokbluster

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