Sunday, November 22, 2009

Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over
If or when the whistle blower is actually caught, I hope his country of origin is the United States where we have protections for people who risk freedom and employment for exposing corrupt organizations.

If it turns out the whistle blower is actually a CRU employee, let's hope Britain's legal system is advanced enough to know that what he did was a service to the world. He or she is exposing and helping to derail the trillion dollar cottage industry, an industry CRU has successfully used to further its own agenda.
How the Age drowned its readers in spin | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
How utterly shameless and deceptive is the warmist scaremongering of The Age?
Comment On The Hacking Of The CRU Website « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
The challenge to the IPCC community, now that their duplicity has been exposed, is to communicate to all of us why the peer-reviewed papers that we documented, and that were available in time for the IPCC review process, were considered “bad papers” and thus ignored in the IPCC report. A balanced assessment would comment on these papers, and provide the reason they disagree with their results.

The reply by Gavin Schmidt documents the control of the IPCC process by a few individuals...

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