Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Surprise: ABC’s Sawyer Hits Gore on Profits From Global Warming, Plays Glenn Beck Attack | NewsBusters.org
Good Morning America’s Diane Sawyer conducted a surprisingly tough interview with Al Gore on Tuesday, pressing him on profiting from global warming and whether or not climate change legislation is pointless in light of pollution-spewing countries such as China. She also forced the ex-Vice President to respond to a challenge from Glenn Beck.
Climate negotiations “hit snag”
The climate talks in Barcelona have been stalled by African nations demanding huge and frankly ridiculous emissions cuts from developed countries.
40% by 2020, i.e just ten years time, and compared to 1990 levels? Are they serious? That would literally put Western economies back into the Dark Ages. The chances of any agreement at Copenhagen just gets more and more remote.
The Reference Frame: George Monbiot: alarmists are sore losers
Of course, Moonbat safely avoids any signs of a climate blasphemy. He believes - or at least claims to believe - that the scientific literature supporting a catastrophic global warming became even more certain in the last two years than it had been previously (and if you remember, the certainty was already above 100% back in 2005).
Religion’s Role in Climate [Fraud Promotion] - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com
A remarkable conclave of leading figures from nine of the world’s major religions is under way at Windsor Castle in Britain, under the auspices of Prince Philip and the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

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