Monday, December 14, 2009

Bank of England urged to put climate [hoax] scientist on MPC | Business |
The government's former chief scientific adviser is calling for a climate scientist to be given a seat on the Bank of England's monetary policy committee, saying the bank currently operates without regard for the environment.
[Barking madness on parade]: Reader responses to the Guardian climate change leader project | Environment |
It's not often you get to consider that the consequences of the following fortnight will be felt for the next 100,000 years, but this truly is that moment. If the mainstream science is right - and petty leaks notwithstanding, there's no credible reason to think otherwise - it's actually rather difficult to stray into hyperbole here. Consistently, actual scientific measurements of changes on the ground, and in the air, have exceeded forecasts rather than the other way round. In the knowledge that in the Earth's history the climate has swung by 10C in a decade means that it's hard to imagine potential consequences more serious.
There is a bigger scientific consensus on future climate change being of anthropogenic origin than there is on Newton's laws of gravity.
We are on the edge of Pompeii, cowering in our houses claiming everything will be alright, it's natural.

Mary Robinson, the former Irish president said it best: "My grandchildren will be 40 in 2050 and I don't know whether the world will be liveable then."
In 100 years' time a large proportion of our planet will be uninhabitable
ClimateGate: The 6 Most Dubious Claims About The Supposed "Global Warming Hoax"
..with the internet abuzz about what has been labeled "ClimateGate," we thought we should set the record straight about the rumors, lies and insinuations about what the emails actually contain
[Jeff Masters promotes the greatest scientific fraud in history]
Even if every bit of mud slung at these scientists were true, the body of scientific work supporting the theory of human-caused climate change--which spans hundreds of thousands of scientific papers written by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of different scientific disciplines--is too vast to be budged by the flaws in the works of the three or four scientists being subject to the fiercest attacks.
The Migrant Mind: Climatological Hot Air and Hypocrisy
The actual yearly output numbers are in the email. So, I took the column identified as global average and plotted it. What a surprise. The hypocritical hot air coming out of the climatologists that all their models show unprecedented warming is simply not true.

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