Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Slop buckets are popular, according to survey - Telegraph
The majority of households support Government plans to have a slop bucket in every kitchen in order to cut down on food waste, according to a new survey.
Polar Defense Project » Order of Ikhamanga
President Jacob Zuma of South Africa recently awarded Lewis Pugh South Africa’s highest honour - the Order of Ikhamanga (Gold Class) for his ‘exceptional sporting triumphs, humanitarian feats and creating consciousness about the negative effects of global warming’.
Flashback: Alarmist kayaker Lewis Pugh already "stuck" in ice at 80.52397 degrees N
Of course, The Reference Frame wishes them a pleasant weather for the 1,000 km (90% of the trip) remaining to the North Pole, a safe trip back to their homes, and a successful brain transplantation afterwords.
113 Wisconsin scientists write to Senators Kohl and Fiengold urging ‘aye’ votes on bipartisan climate [swindle] and clean energy legislation « Climate Progress
"The science now convinces us that calls for immediate action are warranted to avoid the worst consequences of global warming on Wisconsin's economy and environment, including the Great Lakes."
After Copenhagen, Is It Time for Geo-Engineering? - Environmental Capital - WSJ
Lou Grinzo even wonders if Chinese reticence at Copenhagen might not have something to do with the idea of becoming a big player in geo-engineering in a decade or two when the world urgently needs a quick fix.

1 comment:

gofer said...

Somebody should send these 113 Wisconsin scientists a historical graph of Wisconsin climate from their own Dept. of Climatology. There's no global warming trend. The past 20 years had 13 years with 100+ temps. From 1895-1906 had 17 years with 100+ temps.

The mean temp for the past 30 years is LOWER than historical mean of 43.1

This is why people will no longer take "scientists" at their word. I suspect grant fishing as their real motive.