Sunday, January 10, 2010

DAVID ROSE: The mini ice age starts here | Mail Online
The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists.
Global Shamming: More Record Cold, More Death
More of the same. Alarmists are beside themselves. How can it be that their little fart-myth theory is dissipating before their very eyes? Because they're pathetic cultists, that's why. The world is coated in COLD, as they attempt to convince everyone it's warming.
Coyne on Climategate: The truth is out there. Somewhere. - Environment -
...This is why “Climategate” may prove something of a watershed. In the battle for public opinion, global warming advocates have until now had the singular advantage of claiming that the bulk of respectable scientific opinion was on their side. If at least some of that scientific opinion is discovered to be not so respectable as all that, then it is not only their specific case that is harmed: it is science itself.

So the crisis of trust runs both ways. And, what is more, each has good reason to distrust the other.
EDITORIAL: Global warming? - Opinion -
Of course, one cold snap -- even if it sets 20-year-records -- doesn't prove anything about the Earth's macro-climate.

But the spectacle of liberal politicians standing up to their waists in blizzard snowfalls, shouting over the shrieking wind to sternly warn that struggling taxpayers around the globe "aren't sacrificing enough" to fight global warming -- even to insist, with a wide-eyed sincerity that would do Pollyanna proud, that "global warming can sometimes cause these cold snaps" -- is (depending on one's mood) at least ironic, if not verging on the hilarious.

At this point, one suspects a vast southward migration of thousands of polar bears across a frozen Lake Huron to invade the suburbs of Detroit would merely be trumpeted as "one more sign of the many disruptions being caused by ... global warming."
Clouds Dominate CO2 as a Climate Driver Since 2000 « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
What we will find is evidence consistent with natural cloud variations being the dominant source of climate variability since 2000.

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