Monday, January 25, 2010

[We're saved!]: Entergy Announces Purchase of 100,000 Tons of CO2 Emission Offsets
Entergy Corporation today announced the purchase of 100,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions offsets as part of its sustainability efforts and its ongoing commitment to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Fears Barack Obama will omit climate change from State of Union speech | World BB News
Environmental organisations believe Obama is being urged to downplay climate change during this year’s speech

Global warming – a signature issue for Barack Obama – is at risk of getting the short shrift in this year’s State of the Union speech on Wednesday, further shrinking the already slim prospects of getting a climate change law through Congress, environmentalists say.

Obama is being lobbied hard to send a strong signal that climate change remains at the top of his agenda and issue a forceful call to Congress to move forward on legislation this year.
Temperatures as low as minus 34 as fresh cold snap hits Europe - Monsters and Critics
Vienna/Berlin - A fresh cold snap on top of an already unseasonably cold winter in Europe has seen temperatures plummet as low as minus 34, and left a mounting toll of death and disruption on Monday.

The worst death toll appeared to be in Romania, where authorities confirmed 23 deaths over the weekend.
A record low of minus 34 was recorded in the town of Bilaystok, north-east Poland overnight Sunday to Monday.
A total of 169 people have died of the extreme cold in Ukraine since the start of December, according to the Ministry of Health.
Blizzard wreaks havoc | Manitoba | News | Winnipeg Sun
Blizzard conditions wreaked havoc across Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba Monday.
Environment Canada predicts the storm will finally clear sometime Monday night, as the mercury plummets to -26 C with a wind chill that makes it feel like a bone-chilling -38 C.

1 comment:

susan said...

Entergy practically lives in the White House. They were a plaintiff and benefited greatly from the 2007 5-4 Supreme Court decision declaring CO2 a pollutant. After the decision, Wall St (the bad guys?) was thrilled, Entergy stock went to an all time high. Another anticipated advantage for Entergy is they have nuclear plants. Unfortunately, their plant in Vermont is old and leaking radioactive material. Entergy is fighting citizens, even though the plant was scheduled to be closed down.