Tuesday, February 23, 2010

- Bishop Hill blog - Oral evidence
I suppose that the best one can say is that at least sceptics are going to be heard for half an hour, but to me this looks like a determined attempt by the committee to hear only the message it wants to hear. None of the people who were actually involved in dealings with the CRU, who were involved in the nitty gritty of trying to extract information from them, the people who were insulted and abused in the CRU emails, the people who understand the technicalities of "Mike's Nature trick" and hiding the decline, none of these people will actually get a say. They are left outside in the cold.

Why would our elected representatives want to hear from people who actually know something about what went on?
Desperate alarmist now peeing in skeptic’s coffee | CLIMATEGATE
Cobb says, if us skeptics won’t toe the green propagandist lie then his viewers should pursue ‘Plan P’ of the ‘debate’ and urinate in our coffee. Andy’s alarmist think tank over there at that third-rate socialist mouthpiece ‘Second City Network’ is doing that dying cause no favors with this brand of lame ‘humor.’
Wind turbines – The Truth | CLIMATEGATE
What do people expect – electricity?
C3: How Much Did Phil Jones Underestimate The UHI Effect In South Africa? Borders On Fraud
The Urban Heat Island effect is known to cause significant warming in temperature datasets. Yet leading IPCC climate scientists never seem able to find it - always just beyond their grasp, or is it their comprehension, as a source of warming. Instead, it's been much more rewarding and convenient to rely CO2-caused rationale for warming trends. Climategate's Phil Jones was a leading practitioner of missing the obvious UHI effect, as was shown also in his South African research on temperatures.

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