Thursday, February 11, 2010

EU Referendum: Radio 5 Live
The BEEB on Climategate. Go 11 minutes 40 seconds in the piece.
Queen Pelosi's Royal Sasquatch Carbon Print
That is a small sample of the building backlash to the Washington pols — of both parties. Although much of the public anger is now focused on the top Democrats who control the government — Obama, Pelosi, and Reid — Republicans, especially RINOs (Republican In Name Only) will not be the automatic beneficiaries. Many voters seem to be getting the message that replacing Big Government Democrats with Big Government Republicans is not the answer.
Industrial Emissions Cool Climate! | The Resilient Earth
A surprising revelation from a new paper: industrial emission actually have a net cooling effect on Earth's climate. The paper that appears in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences early edition attempts to apportion blame for global warming among various economic sectors. Climate impacts of CO2, tropospheric ozone, fine aerosols, aerosol-cloud interactions, methane, and long-lived greenhouse gases were all analyzed and the appropriate human activities cited. When the dust settled, two sectors turned in large net negative (i.e. cooling) forcing values: biomass burning and industry.
Pajamas Media » Climategate: Obama’s National Climate Disservice
It’s pretty obvious that the NCS and intend to reinflate Al Gore’s “the planet has a fever” theme, in the wake of the Senate death of cap and trade, Climategate, glaciergate, rainforestgate, the failed Copenhagen conference, the exposure of IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri’s financial conflicts of interest, and other recent events that have derailed the alarmist freight train.

If NCS wants to present useful information to the public and decisionmakers, it might try showing the change in the political climate for global warming alarmism. A photo of a falling rock would probably be sufficient.

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