Friday, February 26, 2010

Giant iceberg 'could change weather patterns' | Herald Sun
AN iceberg the size of Luxembourg knocked loose from the Antarctic continent earlier this month could disrupt the ocean currents driving weather patterns around the globe, researchers said.
The 2550 sq km block broke off on February 12 or 13 from the Mertz Glacier Tongue, a 160km spit of floating ice protruding into the Southern Ocean from East Antarctica due south of Melbourne, researchers said.

Some 400m thick, the iceberg could fill Sydney Harbour more than 100 times over.
The billion-tonne mass was dislodged by another, older iceberg, known as B9B, which split off in 1987.

Jammed against the Antarctic continent for more than 20 years, B9B smashed into the Metz tongue like a slow-motion battering ram after it began to drift.
Adrift, they could melt in a could of decades. If they remain lodged against the Antarctic landmass, they could persist far longer.
The Migrant Mind: Worldwide Inability to measure temperature
Temperatures for the UK show the same problem as for the US and China.
The FP Guide to Climate Skeptics | Foreign Policy : CHRISTINA LARSON, JOSHUA KEATING
The field of climate science is under duress, which is wholly different than saying it's discredited. While recent headlines about the woes of U.N.-led efforts to assemble a comprehensive picture of the science have caused gleeful headlines on The Drudge Report and other skeptical media outlets, the vast weight of the evidence -- from melting glaciers to warming oceans to satellite temperature readings, and much more -- still points to a changing climate caused by human activity.  [How, exactly, does any of this "evidence" point to a human cause?]

So why have we heard so much lately about climate-science controversies?
Media Auto Defects - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
By shorting together two normally independent throttle pedal sensors, Gilbert demonstrated that a Toyota Avalon throttle would go wide open regardless of the driver's input. But, as the technically reliable explains, this only proved “that Gilbert was able to create a fault condition that could never happen without human intervention. To imply otherwise is unethical on the part of both ABC and Mr. Gilbert.”

As with global warming, the MSM has abandoned objective reporting on auto-safety issues. And as with global warming, a growing alternative media in talk radio, blogs, and opinion pages have assumed the role of hard reporting.
Easy, Cheap ‘Green’ Energy? Just the Reverse! — MasterResource
...The biggest price increases would be seen in fuel costs (to the tune of nearly 500 percent for electricity and natural gas) but would also be significant in food costs (20 to 30 percent) and transportation.
Supporters of greenhouse gas controls often portray them as cheap and easy. But they must resort to economic models that rely on dubious assumptions of future rates of technology development and market penetration. A more straightforward input-output models suggest greenhouse gas controls will be anything but cheap, and they certainly won’t be easy. However, even small steps toward carbon rationing are proving to be unaffordable and politically dubious.

Reality bats last in the energy debate.
The IPCC's carcass by Will Alexander, S. African UN Scientist | Climate Realists
Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) was the blood that circulated through the veins of climate change science and kept it alive. In the short space of four months it has been shown that the globe ceased warming in 1995. Climate change science is dead.

The recent news was a great relief to those of us who have spent many hours of our lives searching in vain for the proclaimed consequences of climate change. We can now relax while watching the predators devouring the climate change carcass. See the attached and previous memos for details.

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