Monday, February 22, 2010

How the climate kooks front for polluters |
Many millions around the world, particularly in the Global South, but also students and workers in the developed world, are growing to hate the bankers for ripping us off, and the politicians for standing by while the corporations set fire to the planet. It is a short leap from there to begin to see the need to change the system itself--something that was beautifully expressed on banners at the Copenhagen summit: "System Change not Climate Change."

This is a slogan for our era. It reveals, despite recent setbacks, the growing radicalization of the climate change movement, which is slowly changing its focus to class-based arguments for socio-ecological "climate justice," under the impact of world events and the non-events of international climate conferences.
We should heed this call to action and set to work organizing a defense of the earth and its people--who, in contrast to the small minority at the top and their climate-change-denial attack-dogs, have everything to gain from overthrowing the system and nothing to lose. After all, slavery in the United States was only abolished through a revolution.
Climate Resistance » It’s all in the Head…lines
Take “the science” away from these two non-scientists, and what would they be left with? The prospect of climate catastrophe has been used to construct a ‘special’ perspective on economics and human psychology. It is this perspective – not “science”, and not “the planet” – which Corner and Sachs are protecting.
Fishing ban regenerates Australia's Great Barrier Reef - Telegraph
Strict fishing bans have helped regenerate wildlife and coral on one-third of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, a new study shows.
EU Referendum: Wedded to their lies
Shrieking at us, calling us names, and demanding unqualified belief, isn't working any more – it never really did. But they can't try honesty – if they do, they have no scare and lose their power.

The warmists, therefore, are wedded to their lies. They have nowhere to go.

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