Sunday, February 28, 2010

A quiet sun won't save us from global warming - environment - 26 February 2010 - New Scientist
EVEN if the sun were to quieten down appreciably for the rest of this century, it would still be business as usual for global warming.
Stefan Rahmstorf and Georg Feulner of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany modelled what would happen to temperatures on Earth if a grand minimum started now and lasted until 2100. They found that while temperatures would go down by as much as 0.3 °C, global warming would push up temperatures by 3.7 to 4.5 °C - more than negating any effect of a global minimum (Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2010gl042710, in press).

Gavin Schmidt, a climate modeller at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, agrees. "Even if the sun does something really weird, it would still be dwarfed by what we're doing," he says.
Archibald on stellar to climate linkage « Watts Up With That?
The result is a prediction that the average annual temperature at Armagh over Solar Cycle 24 will be 1.4C cooler than over Solar Cycle 23. This is twice the assumed temperature rise of the 20th Century of 0.7 C, but in the opposite direction.

To sum up, let’s paraphrase Dante: The darkest recesses of Hell are reserved for those who deny the solar control of climate.
Climategate: The Jones-Keenan Affair
[Dr Benny Peiser] 24. At no time since Keenan and Wigley raised significant doubts about the reliability of Chinese climate data has Jones taken public steps to clear up the discrepancies regarding Wang's claims and data. It is unacceptable that the scientist who disseminates a data product on which international treaties are based, as well as IPCC reports and countless government policies, should actively seek to suppress information that calls the quality of the data into question, especially after one [of] his colleagues and a leading authority has advised him that Keenan's evidence about the data appeared to be legitimate. Comparable behaviour in the private sector would be subject to severe sanction.

25. The revelations exposed by the CRU e-mails require the full disclosure of all documents and correspondence in this alleged fraud case. Until the whole affair is fully and publicly investigated, the reputation and integrity of leading climate scientists will remain to appear tainted and discredited.
Weekly Address Watch: For the thirty-first time in thirty-three weeks, The First Green President ignores global warming
It is time for us to come together. It is time for us to act. It is time for those of us in Washington to live up to our responsibilities to the American people and to future generations. So let’s get this [unpopular health care "reform"] done.

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