Friday, February 26, 2010

The Reference Frame: NCDC UrbanGate: how the urban crap was exported to U.S. countryside
The "clean", purely natural rural figures have been contaminated by the bogus warming desired by the urban AGW believers.

This clearly needs to be verified because it's a potential bombshell. If he's right, the correct natural warming in the U.S. was around 0.1 °C per century, instead of 0.6 °C that follows from the "adjusted" NCDC (and probably also GISS) data, and this small 0.1 °C increment could be identified with the contribution of the growing rural population, too.
Wall Street & Technology: Blog: What's the Future of Climate Change and Carbon Trading?
In a video interview, Editor-at-Large Ivy Schmerken spoke with Larry Tabb, founder and CEO of Tabb Group, about the likelihood of the U.S. Senate passing climate change legislation this year, and how the financial industry would react to carbon trading as a new asset class.

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