Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Seattle to go carbon neutral? | Grist
No specific timeline is mentioned but sponsors Mike O’Brien & Richard Conlin have talked about 2020 or 2030.
Congressman Tom Perriello : Energy Solutions
We can convert manure on our cattle and poultry farms into power and finally get some profits back to our hard-working farmers.
US Politicians Receive Climate Change Warning - Feb 22 2010 - news and views - Labmate Online
Cut carbon emissions or our only hope to cool the planet will be relying on unproven geo-engineering ideas. This was the warning delivered to US House of Representatives by Professor John Shepherd of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK.
Fudged Fevers in the Frozen North « Watts Up With That?
Say what? What could possibly justify that kind of adjustment, seven tenths of a degree? The early part of the record is adjusted to show less warming. Then from 1973 to 1989, Matanuska is adjusted to warm at a feverish rate of 4.4 degrees per century … but Matanuska is a RURAL station. Since GISS says that the homogenization effort is designed to change the ”long term trend of any non-rural station to match the long term trend of their rural neighbors”, why is Matanuska being adjusted at all?

Not sure what I can say about that, except that I don’t understand it in the slightest. My guess is that what has happened is that a faulty computer program has been applied to fudge the record of every temperature station on the planet. The results have then been used without the slightest attempt at quality control.
Space Exploration and Climate Change: An Introduction and Interdisciplinary Discussion
It is time to end the energy “stone age” before we actually do run out of “stones”. One thing that nearly everyone I met agreed upon was that more scientists are needed in the government, working to educate citizens and decision makers and pushing for policies based on sound scientific facts and foresight.
Flashback: Pew Poll
Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal,"

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