Thursday, February 25, 2010

University of East Anglia rejects lost climate data claims | Environment |
Submission ahead of next week's parliamentary inquiry 'strongly rejects' accusations university lost or manipulated climate data
In the submission, he said: "Given that the stakes for humanity are so high in correctly interpreting the evidence of global warming, we would meanwhile urge scientists, academics, journalists and public servants to resist the distortions of hearsay evidence or orchestrated campaigns of misinformation, and instead to encourage open, intelligent debate."

A number of witnesses, including the head of the CRU, Professor Phil Jones, will appear before the committee on Monday.
Ofcom probes TV climate porn • The Register
But too late to save Drowning Dog
Harper's Sincerity On Global Warming Questioned After Ex-Minister Assails Climate 'Alarmism' - CityNews
While opposition MPs depicted Bernier as doing Harper's bidding, plenty of Tories in the blogosphere saw it as a daring break with official government policy and the first step towards staking out Bernier's turf in a future leadership battle.
The snow job of global warming | DEROY MURDOCK
it has become nearly impossible to hear about "global warming" without giggling. The so-called "global warming" that Albert Gore promised has yielded to global cooling. Meanwhile, Gore's vaunted scientific "consensus" has collapsed, like a roof buckled beneath too much snow:
Climate change exaggerated - Editorial/Opinion
Nature is in a constant state of flux. We are fooling ourselves if we think that today's, yesterday's or last century's climate is the only ideal climate for the Earth, and to assume that we know what's best for the environment is not only arrogant, but dangerous.
Gore’s Katrina con exposed | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Ever since Al Gore cynically exploited Hurricane Katrina to sell his warming scare, warming alarmists have claimed that global warming is making hurricanes and cyclones worse.

Most shamelessly, Gore even seized on the cyclone which devastated Burma in 2008 as proof of a warming world.

Yet the evidence for this scare has always been dubious at best.
Weather and Climate Through the Eyes of Mark Vogan: After a decent snowstorm, interior Northeast prepares for Superstorm 2010
40 to 60 inches of snow is likely to fall in the most exposed areas to upslope, where strongest wind and precip bands align.
EU Referendum: Even worse than Brown
to fill the energy gap, the Tories intend to rely on electricity produced by individuals and communities from rooftop windmills and water turbines, solar panels and boilers fuelled by wood chips.

The idea is so ludicrous that one struggles to believe that any adult, much less a political party, could even contemplate it. But then we need to learn that, when it comes to crass stupidity, nothing is beyond Dave's Conservatives.

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